Normal range for Z score is -1.645 to +1.645. If only two growth measurements are available, please put the second scan details in both second and third scan boxes. This calculator is for educational use. It is believed accurate but no responsibility for accuracy of the results is accepted by the author. David J R Hutchon BSc, MB, ChB, FRCOG Consultant Obstetrician, Memorial Hospital, Darlington, England.Comments and suggestions are welcome and will be included in the comments section. E-mail to me at Web page at REFERENCESSmith GCS, Smith MFS, McNay MB and Flemming JEE First-trimester growth and the risk of low birth weight New England Journal of Medicine 1998;339:1817-22 Kurmanavicius J, Wright EM, Royston P, Zimmermann R, Huch R, Huch A, Wisser J. Fetal ultrasound Biometry: 1. Head reference values. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 1999 106:126-135 Kurmanavicius J, Wright EM, Royston P, Zimmermann R, Huch R, Huch A, Wisser J. Fetal ultrasound Biometry: 2. Abdomen and femur length reference values. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 1999 106:136-143 COMMENTS Return to calculator 1/1/1999 Specialist registrars go to lecture notes Go to Fetal weight calculator INSTRUCTIONS Internet Explorer 4 does not allow use of a local database. The data must first be entered into the script language. Click on view on the bar menu then scource. This brings up the source code into which you must enter the data. It is marked at the begining of the code. Once all the data is entered save the code, return to the web page and refresh. Entering the record number in the ID box and pressing enter brings up the appropriate data from within the database in the code, and the calcuator can then be used as normal. Any word processor can be used to copy data into the code. Note the format for the data items must be within quotes and separted by a comma. It may seem a bit clumsy but it works very well. The variable "total" in the database needs to be increased as the database size increases. It is set for 100 at the start.