The Risk of Malignancy in ovarian cancer calculator - decision support system

This calculator works off-line. Programme written by DJR Hutchon copyright

Enter POST-menopausal
or PREmenopausal (Over 50 with hysterectomy=POST) menopausal Ultrasound findings: (defaults are yes)
multilocularY or N solid areasY or N
bilateral Y or N ascites Y or N
intra-abdominal metastasisY or N
Ca125 result IU/L

Tumour likely to be

Reference Tingulstad et al Evaluation of a risk of malignancy index based on serum Ca125, ultrasound findings and menopausal status in the pre-operative diagnosis of pelvic masses. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1996;103:826-831 Formula used is Ultrasound score (U) = max of 4, premenopausal status (M) =1 postmenopausal =4 RMI Score = U x M x Ca125 value. Score over 125 = high risk of malignancy.

This calculator is for educational use. It is believed accurate but no responsibility for accuracy of the results is accepted by the author. David J R Hutchon BSc, MB, ChB, FRCOG Consultant Gynaecologist, Memorial Hospital, Darlington, England.
Comments and suggestions are welcome and will be included in the comments section. E-mail to me at