The Risk of Malignancy in ovarian cancer calculator - decision support system

This calculator works off-line. Programme written by DJR Hutchon copyright

Enter POST-menopausal
or PREmenopausal (Over 50 with hysterectomy=POST) menopausal Ultrasound findings: (defaults are yes)
multilocularY or N solid areasY or N
bilateral Y or N ascites Y or N
intra-abdominal metastasisY or N
Ca125 result IU/L

Tumour likely to be

References Jacobs et al A risk of malignacy index incorporating Ca125, ultrasound and menopausal status for the acurate preoperative diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1990;97:922-929 Formula used is Ultrasound score (U) = max of 3, premenopausal status (M) =1 postmenopausal =3 RMI Score = U x M x Ca125 value. Score over 200 = high risk of malignancy.
Morgante et al Comparison of two malignancy risk indices based on serum Ca125, ultrasound score and menopausal status in the diagnosis of ovarian masses Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1999;106:524-527
Alternative risk of malignancy index calculator for ovarian tumours using formula by Tingulstad et al. May be more appropriate for use in specialised centres
Dr J D Johnston has pointed out that there may have been a change in assay in the Ca125 since the original work by Jacobs et al which will affect the final results.

This calculator is for educational use. It is believed accurate but no responsibility for accuracy of the results is accepted by the author. David J R Hutchon BSc, MB, ChB, FRCOG Consultant Gynaecologist, Memorial Hospital, Darlington, England.
Comments and suggestions are welcome and will be included in the comments section. E-mail to me at